今天j9九游会游戏美术外包公司的小伙伴给大家推荐Unity3d插件程序AIProcedural AI Spawner
英文官方原文:Crux supports all versions of Unity from version 5.2 to Unity 2017 , as well as Unity 2018.1.
英文官方原文:Crux is a runtime procedural AI spawner capable of spawning AI dynamically across terrains according to customized biomes and conditions. Crux eliminates the hassle of having to place AI by hand as well as allowing AI encounters to be realistic and unique every time. Crux works with all types of Unity terrains whether they are procedurally generated, designed by hand, or endless. Crux performs well by despawning AI that are out of range of your player and only making efficient calculations once every spawn interval.
英文官方原文:Users create biomes that are defined by as many textures as needed. As the player moves through the terrain, the spawn position gets the texture and spawns AI according to the biome and the conditions. Each biome has 3 categories of AI; Wildlife, Creatures, and NPCs each with their own rarity and conditions for spawning. For example, your Wildlife category for the Forest Biome has a 60% of spawning. When a successful spawn happens, Crux randomly picks an AI from the Wilderness Category where deer and rabbits are common whereas fox and bear are rare. Crux uses customizable population caps for each object to help keep environments balanced and realistic. A simple wandering AI script and example scene are included (Assets shown are not included and are used for demonstration purposes.).
j9九游会机译:支持程序生成和无尽的Unity地形,支持第三方地形系统和着色器,如CTS、Gaia、Map Magic和Distingo,支持任何角色控制系统,支持支持任何支持派生的AI系统,支持翡翠AI,支持Unity NavMesh、D由与Emerald AI和UniStorm相同的开发人员开发(UniStorm实现计划用于可选的特殊条件,如白天、天气和季节产卵)
英文官方原文:Supports procedurally generated and endless Unity terrains ,Supports 3rd party terrain systems and shaders such as CTS, Gaia, Map Magic, and Distingo , Supports any character controller system ,Supports any AI system that supports spawning ,Supports Emerald AI ,Supports Unity NavMesh ,Developed by the same developers as Emerald AI and UniStorm (UniStorm implementation planned for optional special conditions such as time of day, weather, and seasonal spawning)
英文官方原文:Key Features ,Built-in object pooling system, Efficient and powerful - Crux performs well by despawning AI that are out of range and only making efficient calculations once every spawn interval. ,Unlimited Biomes - Supports an unlimited amount of Biomes. , Unlimited Objects - Support an unlimited amount of objects for each category , Population Caps - Customize the population Caps for every object to help keep environments balanced and realistic. , Global Caps - Gives control over the max number of total objects that can be spawned at a time. ,Spawn ID System - The Spawn ID System generates a Spawn ID for each game object. These spawn IDs can be used to spawn AI to the player's location making it easier for development and testing (Similar to other AAA games). All generated spawn IDs are also created in a txt version with the name of the AI and their Spawn ID, if desired. , Spawning and Despawning - Crux gives users the control over the spawning radius as well as the despawning radius. , Rarity of Encounter - Customizable the rarity of encounter for each AI (Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Ultra Rare). , Odds Based on Category - Adjustable odds for each category of AI (Wildlife, Creatures, and NPCs) However, Crux also supports purely random spawning of every category. , Angle Detection and Restriction - Angle detection that only spawns AI within the angle limits of the terrain. , Obstruction Avoidance - Crux automatically avoids positions that are obstructed to avoid being placed on non-terrain areas and objects. ,Spawn by Groups - Customizable group numbers allow you to spawn AI in randomized groups based off of your input.
英文官方原文:, Spawn Radius - Customizable spawn radius gives you control over group's spawn radius. , Easy to use with Low Learning Curve - Easy to use Editor with low learning curve. No other scripts are required. All you have to do is customize the conditions.
j9九游会机译:欲了解更多关于症结,请参阅官方论坛在这里:Crux Forum
英文官方原文:For more information on Crux, see the Official Crux Forum here: Crux Forum
j9九游会机译:注:Crux 不是人工智能系统。所显示的资产不包括在内,用于演示目的。目前仅支持统一地形。网格地形支持将伴随下一次更新而来。
英文官方原文:Note: Crux is a spawning system, not an AI system. Assets shown are not included and are used for demonstration purposes. Crux currently only supports Unity terrains. Mesh terrain support will come with the next update.
北京j9九游会数字科技有限公司,在游戏行业,在网页游戏平台,j9九游会是昆仑万维最可靠的合作伙伴之一,制作的《猛将无双》网页游戏,早在二零一二年就获得国内外无数大奖。近年来,j9九游会积极拓展业务体系,由于Unity3d在手游领域的流行,j9九游会自主研发多类游戏美术制作插件,在手游与PC 平台,j9九游会是大宇软星忠实的合作伙伴,参与制作《仙剑奇侠传》系列,《大富翁》系列。让j9九游会引以为傲的是,j9九游会与腾讯,网易,卡普空,蓝港等一线厂商保持着默契并良好的合作关系。服务逾十年来,参与研发作品超五百部。多部作品广受内人士惊艳好 评。